Critique of a Good Samaritan story out of Texas by David Propper

 The story I am critiquing is: 

This story covers the car crash and drunken manslaughter of police detective Alex Cervantes, but focuses mainly on the Good Samaritan, Justin Gonzalez, that chased down the now convicted killer, Dylan Molina, that was trying to flee the scene on foot. This incident took place in 2021, but the story giving Justin credit for helping did not happen until 2023. Now this was due to a new video surfacing showing him chasing and tackling Dylan, not to them necessarily just missing this part of the story. This story also includes the charges that the bartender is facing for allegedly continuing to serve him knowing he was already drunk. The way this story covers all the bases of this accident and gives credit to Justin for courageously running after Dylan not knowing if he had a weapon on him, is perfectly done. 


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